Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Worry Is The Thief of Joy

Standing on an island in Puget Sound at dawn, I was amazed how quickly the rocky beach shrank from five feet to mere inches as the tide came in. The intricate colors of the rocks on the shore quickly became a blur as their beauty was distorted by the very subtle yet ever advancing tide.

Worry can also distort beauty.  Worry can become so habitual we are unaware of its insidious theft of life’s potentially rich experiences. Worry is similar to a rose bush. The potential enchantment stirred in our souls by the delicate beauty and perfume of a layer upon layer of rose petals intricately joined together can be stolen by unsubstantiated worry over potential bug infestation or being pricked by its thorns.

Far worse, in our lives we might worry a close friend will stop liking us or someone will enter their lives they value more. Possibly we worry about the unexpected death of a loved one or that no one will like the dessert we take to a potluck. Pointless worry about large or significant possibilities can be as much of a blight on our souls as deadly blight on a rose bush. It blackens life’s experiences.

From simple to sublime events, worry can rob our memory storehouse of potentially  stunning jewels. It has been said worry changes nothing. Don’t believe that lie. Worry robs life of joy while having no effect whatsoever on sorrow. Actually the opposite statement contains the truth. Joy is the thief of worry. Steal every ounce of worry from your memory bank and replace it with the gold of joy. Joy never loses its value and  increases over time as you share it with others.

Today add joy to your memory bank and improve its value. The value increases as you spend time periodically reviewing previous deposits as well as making new ones.

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