Tuesday, July 31, 2012

God Loves Each of Us As If There Were Only One of Us

By latest estimates the world’s population is approximately 6.7 billion.

Parents, in even a family with two children, have a challenge giving each child the love each child craves. By nature, we are self focused and want to be the center of attention, whether in our home or our jobs, whether one or one hundred..

God, being the Father of the entire world population, would seem to have an immense challenge, from our human perspective, to give each of His children love. Good thing that He is God!

But how does He do it, other than the fact that He is God? I liken His capability to that of a candle.  Think of a candle’s flame. If you had an unlit candle, and held its wick to the flame of a lit candle, the wick would ignite. But each flame of the candle is the same in intensity. The candle from which the second candle was lit was is in no way diminished by igniting another candle. Now think of lighting seven billion candles from the one candle (before it completely melts!). The flame on each candle burns just the same as does the original candle.

So too with God and His love for His children. He can give each of us His love as if we were His only child. And in the giving of His love, that love is not diminished in intensity for any of His children. An amazing thought, but then He is an amazing God.

It is humbling to think that the God who created the billions of stars and daisies and birds and fields of grass and snow capped mountains and lakes and seas, loves each one of us as if we were the only person on earth.

Scripture tells us that we are each the apple of His eye. Precious in His sight.  As parents, we can grasp the love of our children. If you are not a parent, you can grasp such love for His children if you have a pets that depend on you.. If we as humans have the capability to spread our love among our friends and relatives and pets and children, how easy is it for God?  Even with over a half billion of us. He is God, after all.

If you are lonely or grieving or dancing for joy today, remember that the God who, according to the Bible, sees even a sparrow that falls, loves you with an intensity and passion as if you were the only human being on earth. You are special. You are His creation. The Bible says your name is written on the palm of His hand.

The light of a candle burns intensely. It might flicker, but its intensity, or candle power, is the same. Just as the candle gives forth light, so does God. Not only in His world, but also in and through His Son whom the Word of God calls the Light of the world. He loves you with the same intensity He loves each of His children. His light/love is not diminished because it is shared with almost eight billion people. Celebrate His love!

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