Tuesday, July 31, 2012

To Err Is Human, To Admit It Is Superhuman

We live in a world of the bigger, the better. The bigger the house, the bigger the car, the bigger the bank account and of course, the bigger the French fries. The advertisement telling us to super size our French fries could be the result of successful marketing that has also super size our waistline.

As Christians, shouldn’t our biggest priority be to super size our souls? And where would that process best begin? Jesus would tell us to begin with me. How easy is it to look at the faults of others? People slip off the “straight and narrow” second by second. We have loose lips with someone. Gossip is prevalent. We snap at pour child or spouse and tell ourselves that we are “just out of sorts” today. We yell at the driver in front of us who is not fast enough, as if he or she could really hear our ranting. We overindulge and eat the entire box of candy or pint of ice cream instead of just having a taste of it. And sadly, we even beat ourselves up with our shortcomings when the Holy Spirit brings them to our attention instead of asking God to forgive us and accepting his forgiveness and pulling ourselves up to a standing position and beginning anew.

To err is human. We all fall short of what God intended us to be. But in the world of super sizing, we forget to super size our own humanity by admitting the errors of our ways and asking forgiveness of the one who we hurt, or asking Jesus to help us overcome our temptations. The first step is to become aware of our shortcomings. The second step is to admit them and ask for God’s forgiveness and help. It is a superhuman effort to admit the errors of our ways. And it is a daily superhuman effort. But we have a SUPER SAVIOPR and it is a joy to delight Him by super sizing our humility instead of our errors, by bowing before Him on our knees with a repentant heart.

Ask Him today to help you in super sizing your awareness of the errors of your ways instead of the errors of the ways of others. And then we will super size the peace and joy, not only of the world around us, but that of the Son who died fro us that our joy might be full.

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