Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Be Ye Fishers of Men. God Will Clean ‘Em (#2)

When restaurant waiters tell me their seafood selection, my immediate response is, “If it swims, I don’t eat it.” That most certainly can be followed up by the admonition, If it swims, I don’t clean it either.” I had enough hours in zoology lab in college to never ever want to de-gut or skin any animal again, least of all smelly fish. I will leave that unappetizing job to someone else.

But catching them? Well that is a fish story of another length. Don’t we all love the thrill of a chase? Doesn’t it get our heart racing at a feverish pace to win the soap box derby or catch a butterfly or win a prize for the best photograph or painting? Challenges entice us.

God, having created us, would know the best way to “hook”  us into catching believers for him. He offers us the excitement and challenge of going fishing. Fishing takes knowledge of the correct techniques, patience, excellent timing and the appropriate bait. But we need to remember, while God encourages us to go fishing for followers, the cleaning of the catch is His job. We will not catch the fish unless it is within His will and perfect timing. If we lose our catch off the hook today, there will be  another day to go fishing. Our success in luring and catching a fish for Him is all according to His plan, and best of all, He alone gets the clean up job!

God wants us to go fishing for His followers. It is a challenge but fun. But it is even better, that we don’t have to be bothered with the clean up.

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