Tuesday, July 31, 2012

There Are Some Questions That Cannot Be Answered by Google

It has been said that Google is the closest thing the World Wide Web has to an ultimate answer machine. As the reputedly world’s largest search engine, Google’s stated mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

With Google purportedly becoming an innate part of our inquisitive intellectual fabric, do you sometimes wonder how we ever coped before we could Google the vast world of information for an answer?

The website seems to have an answer for virtually everything, except the answers to our deepest, most profound questions: Why did I get cancer? Why did the little neighbor girl walking home from school get killed by a car that jumped the curb? Why did my Grampa sitting on his front porch get killed by a stray bullet? Why did the earthquake kill eleven thousand people or destroy a school full of innocent children?

Answers to such soul wrenching questions cannot be found on any man made search engine. The ultimate “Answer Machine” is God. And even though we might be in close relationship with Him, He doesn’t always provide us with the answers we seek. Does He know the answers to our questions? Absolutely! But perhaps our finite mind could not grasp the reasons or perhaps by not giving us an answer here on earth, He is teaching us to trust Him.

The eternal Search Engine has hung every star, over one hundred billion of them. And even more mind boggling to some of us who can’t even remember the names of all of our high school classmates, His Word says he knows every single star by name. Not only has He  placed earth in perfect orbit so we do not freeze or burn up, but He also has tended to such minute detail as clothing Antarctic penguins in weather appropriate survival gear, showing His sense of humor dressing them in tuxedos as if they were going to  a Snowflake Ball.

Let’s face it! We will inevitably have questions neither Google nor God will answer. God makes it His business to fine tune our trust of Him as our lives unfold so we are able to experience the care He gives us in all circumstances. With each difficulty we surmount with His help, our trust and love for Him deepen.

Our “whys” may never be answered this side of death, but as we daily experience His Hand through our spiritual eyes, in the large and small events of our lives, we are assured that there will come a day, either here or with Him, when everything that is a mystery to us will be revealed. ….and we will never need Google again.

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