Tuesday, July 31, 2012

God So Loved The World that He Did Not Send A Committee

Show stoppers can be breathtaking events. A rainbow after a storm or sun shining through ice shards on a frozen lake shore creating a prism that births  rainbows or a nest full of newly hatched robins being fed by their mother are God’s show stoppers. We pause and catch our breath in delight and awe. No committee was necessary for  the manifestation of such spectacles

Committees are the show stoppers of men, but thank goodness they are not viable in Mother Nature’s workplace. Clocks seem to be invisible in committee rooms as time seems to stand still while committees “work”.  Where is a new law to protect a citizen? Oh! It is in a government committee being viewed and re-viewed as egos want their mark on it. The adage too many cooks spoil the broth is perfectly demonstrated in committee.

When God sent His son into the world in a cow garage and placed Him in a cow’s cereal bowl, there was no time to be wasted. Herod was mankind’s perfect nightmare, so God sent One Person, perfectly suited for the task. Not a committee to figure things out, but one Man.

If your loved one needs surgery, you look for the one surgeon best qualified for the task. Yes, the surgeon may have assistants, but only one expert makes the decisions in an operating room to rid the body of the problems corrupting it  or making it dysfunctional.

When time was of the essence to save His children from eternal hell, with no time to be wasted in debate with numerous personalities, the God who rules the universe, and keeps our planet in perfect alignment with the sun, loved us so much  He sent only one. The One! One life perfectly lived. No committee stopped The Greatest Show On Earth.

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