Tuesday, July 31, 2012

God Created Nothing Without Purpose, But Mosquitoes Come Close

I love watching birds, but better for me than simply watching them cavort through the skies or excavate worms from their hiding places, is trying to capture stunning images of the little winged wonders with my camera. Unfortunately however, as nature would have it, many photogenic birds adorned in the brightest colors are located in extremely humid environments and such environments mean bugs.  Lots of bugs!  And further translate bugs to mean mosquitoes with seemingly bigger needles for blood extraction than the world’s largest hypodermic needle. And these relentless blood extractors have a life  purpose, as do all of us. One of their jobs is to sacrifice themselves as a bird’s gourmet meal!

But have you ever pondered about the mosquito’s purpose for humanity?  Well….. they teach us about the lightning speed, or inadequacy, of our God given reflexes. They remind us of our ability to scratch an itch…and scratch and scratch and scratch. How thankful are we for the ability to scratch that pesky mosquito’s “gift” of the itch?  Some individuals lacking motor skills would be supremely grateful for such a capability.

Perhaps mosquitoes teach us about our inner drive.  How determined are we to obtain a bird’s photograph or enjoy a respite on our patio on a summer evening in spite of the potential threat of a blood donation?

Is there truly a purpose for mosquitoes? God has a purpose for everything in His world so perhaps He created pesky mosquitoes to test our patience, even as they hum around our ears with their buggy melody vying for our attention.

God’s pesky creatures, even His humans, do get attention. All creation does have a purpose for existence. What is yours? Are you fulfilling it? Or are you just buzzing through life being an irritant without any direction?  Seek today what God created you to be and begin fulfilling your destiny. It all begins with a single step forward.  Life will present many occasions which bite us, but each negative occurrence will be accompanied by occasions to fulfill us, like encouraging another who has been “bitten” by life.

Be the salve to calm the itch of someone else’s life bite.

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