Tuesday, July 31, 2012

God Loves Everyone, But Prefers Fruits of the Spirit to Religious Nuts

Crunch or no crunch?

During the holidays, fruitcake lovers have a choice when ordering fruitcake….nuts or no nuts. For some palates, the more fruit and nuts the better, but for others, nuts are too abrasive for their sensitive palates. Fruits, because of their generally soft, sweet consistency, are more easily digested and gentler on the taste buds.

Did you know that God has a preference? He prefers fruits! Fruits of the Spirit, that is. And his favorite fruits? He gives us a fully detailed list in His Word: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

Doctors tell us that fruits are healthy and good for our physical bodies. God tells us His fruits are beneficial for our souls. Every spiritual fruit has healing qualities, not only for the one who “ingests” them, but also for the people woven into the lives of the “ingesters”.

Why doesn’t God prefer nuts? He created nuts for folks to eat who have “iron clad” stomachs as well as those who are healthy. But for souls, nuts can be very abrasive. In contrast to spiritual fruits, religious nuts can be judgmental, demeaning and critical. In short, they are browbeaters and often egocentrics. They tend to be the judge and jury about the beliefs of others when God tells us that judgment is His job and no one else’s.

God is very specific what our job is. We are to be soul soothers for people living in a harsh world.

God loves everyone, but confronted with a buffet of fruits and nuts, He prefers the fruits every time. If you know Him and want someone else to know Him, try offering them one of God’s favorite things: a fruit of the spirit. It is much more digestible. And offer the fruits in small quantities. No one needs huge portions whether it be of bodily food or spiritual food.

Given a choice of love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control or anger, impatience, criticism, self centeredness, or a browbeating, which would you choose? The best soul food is God’s fruit.

Be a fruit basket to those you come in contact with today. Fruit of the spirit aids in the digestion of life and is a healthy choice…for all eternity.

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