Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Coincidence Is When God Chooses To Be Anonymous

When you have a flat tire on a seldom traveled road is it coincidence a car comes along because the driver made a “wrong turn”?  Is it coincidence when you forget to turn off a light in your home when you leave for work and a neighbor sees someone other than you in your window?

Such stories are often declared coincidental or “good luck”, aren’t they? But just because they don’t have a “God sticker” on them does not mean God isn’t involved. God’s Hand is in all of life, from the rising and setting of the sun to the timing of a person’s birth and death. God gave Salk the formula for the polio vaccine. His creative wisdom planted the idea of Saran Wrap in the inventor’s mind. He put the motivation in a rescuer’s mind who “just happened” to have a rope in his car when a dog slipped through thin ice on a pond.

We want our name tags plastered over all of our actions and creations, if they are of a  positive nature. We desire worldwide acclamation if we accomplish something unique. But were we truly the originator? Heaven forbid anyone else would get the credit, even God who wove together seamlessly the event as it unfolded.

God doesn’t have a roll of celestial name tags to be placed on His events which make our actions pale in comparison. But imagine the smile which crosses His “face” when He gets the credit for something we acknowledge was the result of His Genius rather than “coincidence” or our creativity.

As ruler of the universe, God is in charge of everything. Everything comes from His hand, whether it is the hummingbird finding your feeder or your intelligence resulting in  saving a life or the creation of a world acclaimed invention. But lacking in the sin of pride, God leaves the “Created by God” sticker off all of life’s “coincidences” and occurrences.

The next time something seemingly coincidental occurs in your life, I encourage you to ponder its origin. You might find a “created by God” sticker in the event. Undoubtedly your insight, and “passing the buck” to Him, will put a smile on His “face”.

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