Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Don’t Give God Instructions, Just Report For Duty

Do you think of God as your Celestial Soldier and you are the drill sergeant…you give the orders and expect Him to obey?

God loves and cares about us and has infinite knowledge concerning what is best for us. Furthermore, He does not need any instructions from us. Our prayers can be like us telling movers how to pack a moving van when all they want is for us to get out of their way. They also know our destination and the best route to get us there.

God’s eternal “To Do list” is beyond our imagination. Not only does He have to keep the solar system in perfect alignment, but He also has scores of His followers, enlisted by the call of His Holy Spirit, to put to work in His ordained places. God’s job for us is not only to care for the earth He created, but also to focus outward toward others which matures us. He also intends for us to tend to our business, following His to do list for us, rather than His.

Perhaps His most challenging job is convincing us to be precisely where He wants us because we have our own contrary agenda. But just think, as a child didn’t you delight in helping your Daddy? Wasn’t it fun putting a smile on his face by helping him wash the car or rake the leaves or polish his golf clubs? And didn’t you see his biggest smile whenever you did as he asked without argument or refusal?

We also can delight our heavenly Daddy when we report for duty and follow His instructions. Then we will see His Plan for our lives unfold and they will be better than any design we could imagine because they will be signed by the Eternal Designer of the universe.

Every morning report for duty.  Allow the Celestial Sergeant to direct your path. Each day of your life, the page will turn as in a mystery novel. The story will be better that you dared to ask or imagine and the ending will be what is eternally best for you.

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