Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Don’t Be So Open Minded That Your Brains Fall Out

Brains spilled out all over the ground in a road kill accident are a sanitation disaster, to say nothing of the repercussions for the animal. Quality of life ceases when brains fall out. It is not a positive outcome.

The expression “garbage in, garbage out” pertains to eating healthy food to maintain a healthy body and nurture a positive life experience.  Such a statement is also pertinent when considering an intellectual diet. An inquisitive mind is a positive attribute. However, the information gathered can be either fortifying and edifying or destructive. Wise selectivity is essential in determining what one wants to mentally consume. Information gathering, running the gamut of smut to pearls of wisdom, of necessity involves the mental consumption of too much or too little of either wisdom or obscenity or somewhere in between.

Just as poisonous mushrooms kill our bodies if we don’t invest time researching mushroom varieties to properly educate ourselves on good as well as deadly mushrooms, so too, we also must educate ourselves about mental food that could poison our minds.
A healthy degree of curiosity nourishes us mentally and further enriches our lives. However, we must not continue past the warning signs which rise within our souls when we sense our information gathering has entered an area filled with mental land minds that threaten the well being of our eternal souls. Following a few land mine explosions during our mental explorations, we need to absorb the lessons of what offers positive outcomes and as opposed to what bloodies and scars our souls.

A fulfilling life encompasses being open minded to new ideas while utilizing God’s Word or a moral standard as a filter of what we condone or condemn as proper soul food. With our higher intelligence, we need to be guided by a higher power which pre-sorts for us what is nourishment for our soul as opposed to what is destructive and follow the guidelines to prevent the perils of a mind too open to soul threatening harm.

We are not like animals with such inferior information gathering abilities that they do not know a car can out run them as they attempt to cross the street. Open minds surely occur in such an example. Brains spill. Death occurs. 

Life has its most positive outcome when we follow directions.  A diabetic who consumes too much sugar can have brain fallout mentally or physically. So too for those too lax about what they mentally consume. Our thinking can conceivably become skewed with  potentially  fatal results.

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