Monday, April 23, 2012

Worry Is The Dark Room Where Negatives Develop

Negatives are not always a bad thing. My case in point are photographic negatives. Photographers consider a dark room, mysterious for many of us, a magical place. A black, seemingly blank, strip of film correctly processed can produce a myriad of images, often in color. Beauty emerges from the darkness.

When referring to the condition of a person’s spirit, a dark room might also be a negative place. However, unlike a photographic negative, no beauty is produced from the dark abyss. Not surprisingly, the most productive developing fluid of life’s negatives is worry. Just as experts plunge photographic negatives into various developing fluids, we too can be experts at plunging our souls in the baths of negative events or thoughts. Worry can be the process which develops our present situation or future, but it does not produce a pretty picture. It envelops our life in a pall. In the dark room of worry, poor images multiply out of control.

The one thing that can subvert the developing process, whether of worry or a photograph, is light. Light turned on can prove devastating to photographs in a dark room. However, light can also devastate  worry. One results in a tragic outcome. One offers a hopeful outcome.

Filling our minds with positive thoughts disrupts any successful development of negatives. Light banishes darkness. Positive thoughts banish the darkness of worry or sorrow or discouragement in our hearts and minds.

For a photographer, a dark room develops positive, often spectacular, images. For everyone else, dark thoughts and mindsets result in soul images best tossed in a wastebasket.

 Do you want to fill your life’s picture book or your life’s wastebasket? Choose light! It banishes darkness in a home or in one’s soul. Turn on, and focus on, the light of life and banish lightless negativity. Challenge yourself to create bright images to add joy to your life’s photo album of memories.

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