Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Every Adversity Hides A Possibility

Have you ever had a week, or month or year, in which it seems every step you take leads to a fall? Do you pick yourself up, either alone or with the help of a friend, and bandage your skinned knees only to fall once more and knock the “Band-Aid” off at which time you discover an even bigger “boo-boo”?

After how many falls, and a life savings donated to the coffers of Band-Aids, do we decide it would be expedient to evaluate the path we have been pursuing?

It often seems only when we become sick and tired of being sick and tired of falling on emotional, spiritual or physical life paths that we refocus our energies on the possibilities of positives emanating from the negatives.

Associated with every stumbling block in our life is the possibility of an alternative path with fewer rocks to trip us up. But first we must become sick and tired of an event before we focus our energies on finding a solution.

Thomas Edison became tired of spending money on candles which melted away and plunged him back into the darkness. He discovered the light bulb. Jonas Salk got sick and tired of people paralyzed with polio and discovered a prevention…. the Salk vaccine.

Positive possibilities often hide, or are camouflaged, within negative situations. However, one must deliberately focus beyond the bad in order to discover the good. All too often we focus on the filth in the pig stys of our lives instead of realizing our bacon comes from them. If it weren’t for rain, we would not have raincoats….or flowers…or an appreciation for the sunshine.

What is a recent adversity in your life? Rather than focusing your energy on pondering the negatives of your situation, reflect on the good which could emanate from it, and expend your energy bringing some joy to your little corner of the world.

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