Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Our Arms Are The Ones God Holds His Children With

For me, there was nothing better in the world (well, maybe with the exception of chocolate!) than being held in my Daddy's big strong arms when I was a little child. He was my tall and handsome...always more than willing for my twin and me to tumble all over him when he came home after a week on a business trip. He would lie on the floor and become the jungle gym as we laughed at his tickling us and basked in the joy of being in his presence. Daddy was home! All was well with our world.

In today's world many children do not know what it is like to be hugged by a Daddy on a regular basis. With the divorce rate  high, as well as the deaths or absence of our military overseas, there are children who go to bed night after night without a time of play or a good night hug from their dad. 

Those children need loving arms wrapped around them and it is our arms that are the only ones God can utilize to hug His children. That is a very powerful thought. There are so many people who need a father's hug...or a mother's hug for that matter.
We have a loving heavenly Father who loved us so much He sent His Son to die on a cross for us, but are there times when you yearn for His physical presence and a hug?

There is a remedy. We need to grasp the concept that we can be the loving arms of God. We, as His creation, are the only beings He has endowed with the capability to give a hug to His children , as well as to our pets… those precious creations He placed on earth to demonstrate the power of selfless, devoted love.

The next time you see someone who looks like they have lost their best friend, you might ask them, “Could you use a God hug?” Tell them God loves them and cares about them and you realize our human arms are the only way God can hug us.

Always ask. Never assume. Perhaps what will mean the most to someone is not the hug, but that you noticed them or cared to reach out.

If given, your hug may be the only hug a person has for a day or a week or a month and by hugging them you will allow their soul to feel the hug of a Heavenly Father who cares enough about us individually to know the number of hairs on our heads.

Who can you offer a God hug to today?  Perhaps it will be the only touch they will  experience today or even this week or month. And you most likely will receive a hug in return!!! A bonus for the receiver as well as the giver.

Heavenly Undertaking from the heart of God!

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